Archive for the 'morning' Category

A Ghost Line To Get By

Sunday, February 11th, 2007

Cold morning by the woods and a hangover blue sky
My brother was with me.
We walked in silence and still your name was on my lips
The crunch of leaves saying everything I wasn’t,
He turned to me, knowing what was on my mind, and said “You are looking only at yourself.”
He’s right. The memory of your face is a mirror,

so I was in love with my reflection.
Were you in love with yours?
I exhale, trying to remove this truth.
I inhale, bringing this sober chill inside.
I exhale, and my eyes met his,
“You can only see your breath when it is cold. What does that mean?”
His eyes remind me of my own.

An Uncomforting Breeze

Sunday, January 14th, 2007

someday we will slip into my dreams:
we could tend the dark cornfields,
tame the horrors that stalk me
to the very beach I arbitrarily idolize;
or pressing the limits,
the end of time, the start of my life -
I’ll live it over again, yes I would choose that
a better chance for the world to know my name
to build a frame that fits my fantasy
how picturesque; a sunrise. I wish for anything.

Air Shipment

Saturday, January 13th, 2007

The enemy airship reappears, your morning motivation
open fire, guns burning, our performance piece
to want balance, the desire of, the failure of
a military masquerade, this situation is on parade and I’m closing the book.
the ending, this is, stop, moving on. History of Love - next chapter please.