Archive for the 'desire' Category


Tuesday, January 30th, 2007

The exploding airship approaches!
You’ve got my attention, ex-girlfriend.
Blaze up in your own fire, you beautiful Hindenburg.
If you come home we’ll get drunk and fuck like we still love each other,
then I’ll lie, you’ll turn icy, I’ll drive you home stoned and silent,
and you’ll have won. You always win. You always will.

Up The World Tree Scale

Tuesday, January 30th, 2007

Up the world tree scale.
the dirt shakes
the plans fail
But please,
Up the world tree scale.
pursuit of heaven
birthright seeker
find now the courage
there is no trail
But please,
Up the world tree scale.

American Sweet

Sunday, January 14th, 2007

circuit repetition; songs of praise from pothead poets
from the heart of our mouths, i speak with soft precision
following the dreams I’ll fail to attain,
sleeping in the sweet promise that the world is ending.
wherever I go, I reserve the right to change my mind
and forever I will escape at the very last moment.


Saturday, January 13th, 2007

The spark, first glow / once you catch fire you never stop burning
a cold night turned hot, an umet need / driving a point home
Seconds wait for Hours, there’s a ranking, there’s a priority
This is a path to destruction, the road well-paved, the night young
Stars are keeping watch, Stars waiting to applaud / feel more heat - let’s give them
a show