Archive for the 'balance' Category

Grow A System

Tuesday, January 30th, 2007

I am a radical star
I burn with a different color
Yes I will keep you warm
Come into my orbit
Every sun wants planets
Yes you will circle me
But this is the life recipe
I will be your light;
You will be my purpose

Resort Recline

Saturday, January 13th, 2007

You need to keep a balance,
but this isn’t, not at all.
Towards the sun
the rage is biting
Pull of the moon
hope is roofless
Less questions, more
satisfaction. Go,
I am, Continue, I will.
the conception and the coffin,
the sum, the whole, a peace,
a rush. A BALANCE, kept
regardless of your effort. When
you die, it WILL feel like
birth, your first-born
breath fills and fills and fills,
you are free, now and then
and tomorrow, recline as
you exert it all. No answer,
keep the questions, fly the
planet, you’ve got the keys.

Air Shipment

Saturday, January 13th, 2007

The enemy airship reappears, your morning motivation
open fire, guns burning, our performance piece
to want balance, the desire of, the failure of
a military masquerade, this situation is on parade and I’m closing the book.
the ending, this is, stop, moving on. History of Love - next chapter please.